時間割コード:50LFS49 英語シラバス 日本語
Gender and Inclusive Society[Gender and Inclusive Society]
開講学部等 教育人間科学部 対象年次 1〜4 単位数 2 使用言語  
開講時期 秋学期 開講曜限   クラス  
授業形態 授業形態(詳細) 授業方法
ナンバリングコード 実務経験のある教員による授業
This course is designed to understand major discourse and issues of inequalities related to gender, ethnicity and development. In this course, we will look at various aspects of gender, ethnicity, and class issues, mainly in Japan (also in Latin America). The aim of the course is to become aware of gender issues and their complex intersections with age, class, and ethnicity throughout class discussions, readings, and doing mini-fieldwork (or mini virtual fieldwork).
Part A: Introduction, Overview of gender, ethnicity, development
Part B: Research methodology and preparation for mini-fieldwork (or virtual fieldwork)
Part C: Case Study and Guest Speaker
Part D: Presentation and Collaborative work (Feedback session and final presentation)

Important Date:
January 25 or/and February 1st will be Final Presentation Days

※Please note that this is a tentative component of the course and you will receive detailed schedule in class.
Students will be expected to join lectures prepared to actively discuss the readings or any assignments. Students are expected to do mini-fieldwork and to participate in class activities and group work. Readings will be provided via LMS by instructor.
【Knowledge】 The primary learning goal of this course is to understand and engage with major discourse and debates of gender and ethnicity inequalities.

【Critical Thinking and Analytical Skill】 The second goal of this course is to develop students’ critical thinking skills regarding gender and other issues such as ethnic identity and social exclusion.

【Research Experience】 The third goal of the course is to learn qualitative research methods and to conduct mini research.
【Knowledge】 Understand the various approaches and issues related to gender and ethnicity from anthropological and sociological perspectives.

【Critical Thinking and Analytical Skill】 Analyze gender and ethnicity related issues in society by approaching both primary and secondary sources.

【Research Experience】 Understand the basic steps of conducting qualitative research and develop the implementation plan.

-Class Participation and Discussion Preparation (20%)
-Interview Report (10%)
-Project Plan (15%)
-Current event Presentation and Memo (10%)
-Discussion Preparation (5%)
-Final Report and Presentation (35%)
-Bevi Assessments and Discussion (5%)
成績評価の基準 -ルーブリック-
This course will be provided online (Zoom). By the first day of the class, the Zoom link will be informed on LMS. The deadline for submission of assignments will be explained in lectures.
Readings will be provided via LMS by instructor. No required textbook for this course.
参考書1 ISBN 9780472037704
書名 Beyond the Gender Gap in Japan
著者名 Gill Steel (ed) 出版社 University of Michigan Press 出版年 2020
The book is collection of essays on women and politics in contemporary Japan (Note: This is not required textbook for this course).
Gender, Ethnicity, Development, Qualitative Research Methodology, Japan and Latin America
By combining online lecture, group discussion and research session, the students are expected to actively participate and discuss with classmates. Please notify the instructor if you need any assistance regarding a disability. Syllabus is subject to changes based upon instructor’s discretion.
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