時間割コード:PB23006 英語シラバス 日本語
経営シミュレーション特論[Study on Business Modeling and Simulation]
開講学部等 国際社会科学府 対象年次 1〜2 単位数 2 使用言語 英語
開講時期 秋学期 開講曜限   クラス 経営シミュレーション特論
授業形態 授業形態(詳細) 授業方法
ナンバリングコード 実務経験のある教員による授業
The aim of this course to help students acquire knowledge and skills on computational and gaming approaches to problem-solving on business. It also provides deeper understanding of the desirable approaches to the business system of interest by modeling its structure, implementing the model as a computer or gaming simulation, running it, and collecting and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data.
1. Business simulation: concept and method (Lecture)
2. Playing a business game (Exercise)
3. Analyzing game results (Exercise) and debriefing (Presentation)
4. Computer-based analysis of gaming data (Lecture) and data analysis (Exercise)
5. An approach to business modeling (Lecture) and business modeling (Exercise)
6. Computer-based business simulation (Lecture) and implementing a simulation (Exercise)
7. Implementing a business simulation (Exercise)
8. Midterm examination and presentation
9. Business gaming simulation (Lecture) and planning of business game (Exercise)
10. Modeling for business game (Exercise)
11. Peer review of the game under development by actual game play (Exercise)
12. Review of the project plan and game development (Exercise)
13. Peer review of the game under development by actual game play (Exercise)
14. Analysis of the game under development based on the data
15. Group presentation on the whole project and course wrap-up
Participants will be given assignments on data analysis, modeling, model analysis, and preparation of presentation materials. These assignments help learners to deeper understand methodologies for business analysis.
1. Participants are expected to be able to model the structure of the market or business of interest, perform computer-based simulations, and interpret the results.
2. Participants are expected to be able to model the structure of the market or business of interest, build a business game, perform gaming simulations, and interpret the results.
3. Participants are expected to understand a desirable approach to the system of interest using the business simulation, be able to select an appropriate method according to the purpose, and explain the reason to others.
1. Participants are expected to be able to explain how to model the structure of the market or business of interest and how to perform computer simulation based on it.
2. Participants are expected to be able to explain how to model the structure of the market or business of interest, build a business game, and perform a gaming simulation.
3. Participants are expected to understand and be able explain to others how to approach the system of interest using business simulation.
Class participation (30%), Assignment (30%), Presentation (10%), Final assignment (30%)
成績評価の基準 -ルーブリック-
Computer simulationable to model the structure of the market or business of interest, select the appropriate method, perform computer-based simulations, and interpret the results in the context of business.able to model the structure of the market or business of interest, perform computer-based simulations, and interpret the results.able to model the structure of the market or business of interest and perform computer simulations based on it.able to explain how to model the structure of the market or business of interest and how to perform computer simulation based on it.not able to explain how to model the structure of the market or business of interest or perform computer simulations based on it.
Gaming simulationable to use the knowledge of business administration to model the structure of the market or business of interest, build a business game, perform gaming simulations, and interpret the results in the context of business.able to model the structure of the market or business of interest, build a business game, perform gaming simulations, and interpret the results.able to model the structure of the market or business of interest, build a business game, and perform gaming simulation.able to explain how to model the structure of the market or business of interest, build a business game, and perform a gaming simulation.not able to explain how to model the structure of the market or business of interest, or how to build a business game, or how to perform gaming simulation.
Business simulationunderstand a desirable approach to the system of interest using the business simulation, be able to select an appropriate method according to the purpose, and explain the reason to others.understand the method and characteristics of desirable approach to the system of ineterst using business simulation and be able to explain it to others.understand the method and characteristics of desirable approach to the system of ineterst using business simulation and be able to explain it to others.understand and be able explain to others how to approach the system of interest using business simulation.not understand how to approach the system of ineterst using business simulation.
Throughout the class, students should perform various tasks such as game play, data analysis, modeling, model analysis, game review and preparation of presentation materials of analysis results, by group. Assignment will be given for each topic. For computer-based exercises, students should use MS-Excel and Jupyter notebook (Python).

Note that each class will be delivered online. Visit LMS for more information.
Business modeling,Business Simulation,Gaming simulation,Computer simulation, Methodology
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