時間割コード:PE00002 英語シラバス 日本語
Presentation and Discussion Skills[Presentation and Discussion Skills]
開講学部等 国際社会科学府 対象年次   単位数 2 使用言語 英語
開講時期 春学期 開講曜限   クラス Presentation and Discussion Sk
授業形態 授業形態(詳細) 授業方法
ナンバリングコード 実務経験のある教員による授業
The primary objective of this course is to help you strengthen your ability to present in English. To attain this goal you will learn presentation skills both from the textbook and from excellent presentations posted on the Web.

Making an effective presentation is difficult even in your own first language. It is no wonder that doing so in English is even more difficult. You may be quite nervous about standing up in front of a group and presenting your ideas on an academic topic and managing a Q&A session. Don’t worry, the key is to take it step by step. With good preparation and practice, you will be on your way towards becoming and effective English speaker.
1. Introduction and explanation of course goals.
2. How to find your Core Message & Creating a Repeatable Power Phrase & Print Text
3. Survey & Report - in class activity. Presentation structure.
4. Survey & Report: Your have conducted research using your classmates, present your findings.
5. Student Led Discussions on Textbook Chapters. Group A 1&2. Group B 3&4. Visual Aids. Plan
6. Student Led Discussions on Textbook Chapters. Group C 5&6. Group A 7&8. Details. Reading
7. Student Led Discussions on Textbook Chapters. Group B 9&10. Group C 11&12. Ask. Interview
8. Student Led Discussions on Textbook Chapters. Group A 13&14. Group B 15&16. Voice. Survey
9. Student Led Discussions on Textbook Chapters. Group C 17&18. Group A 19&20. Eye Contact. Quote
10. Student Led Discussions on Textbook Chapters. Group B 21&22. Group C 23&24. Interaction. Stories
11. Student Led Discussions on Textbook Chapters. Make-up Day. Energy. Surprise
12. Wrap-up. How to Deliver the Perfect TED Talk. Partner Feedback. Practice
13. Presentation Day 1 followed by Q&A
14. Presentation Day 2 followed by Q&A
15. Presentation back-up day. Course evaluation.
Before each class students should do the assigned readings and prepare for student led discussions. During the week, students should conduct research and prepair for their final presentations.
The learning standard that a student should achieve in this course will be demonstrated by reading and understanding the course material and applying that knowledge to designing, researching, writing and presenting a memorable and throught provoking academic presentation in English.

The overall objective is for the student to be able write and present an academic presentation in English. To reach this basic objective, everyday in class we will use English to communicate stories, discuss the readings, and formulate ideas that will eventually form the student’s final English presentation.

(50%) Final Presentation
(50%) Student led discussions and participation in class.
成績評価の基準 -ルーブリック-
Our Textbook: Karia, Akash. How To Deliver A Great TED Talk. 2013

Our textbook and other reading materials will be provided by the instructor. Student Led Discussion Groups will summarize the content of each chapter and we will discuss how to apply the ideas in the textbook as a class.
Think deeply, communicate clearly, and enjoy the process.
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